
Nicolas Jarossay’s Journey Across The Atlantic Will Start This Saturday!

After more than 3 years of preparation, Nicolas Jarossay’s will finally launch his journey from Cape Verde to Martinique in an attempt to become the first man to ever cross the Atlantic Ocean. We are releasing a day by day summary of Nicolas Jarossay’s stay in Cape Verde, getting ready for his great journey.

Nicolas Jarossay : Transatlantic Stand Up Paddle

10/04/2016 Nicolas is off !

“Hello everyone, here we are, the day has arrived. It’s 12 pm local time, I’m going West. I hope there will be many of you following the adventure. I shall try and give a GPS update everyday. And I see you on the other side of the Ocean. See you soon.” These were the words of Nicolas Jarossay in his goodbye video before setting off today on a unique exploit to cross the Atlantic Ocean on a Stand Up Paddle board from Cape Verde to Martinique – a journey which is expected to take between 60 and 80 days.
It’s with great emotion that we wish best of luck to our friend Nico! TotalSUPwill give news on a regular basis!

Le départ!Il est temps de partir!Time has come to leave!

Posté par Stand Up Paddle Transatlantic sur dimanche 10 avril 2016

09/04/2016 – D-Day 

The launch in Praia Bay met some last minute technical problems. Departure is postponed to Sunday! Nicolas is sleeping aboard his SUP board tonight, docked to a sailboat.
nicolas jarossay's custom stand up paddle

nicolas jarossay packing up

nicolas jarossay exploring his new paddle

08/04/2016 D-1

transatlantic sup 2016 team

Last night, last beer for a while…

Départ demain ! Détente en équipe 🙂Départ demain ! Détente en équipe :)1 day to D-day ! Relaxation with my team 🙂

Posté par Stand Up Paddle Transatlantic sur vendredi 8 avril 2016

07/04/2016 D-2

Last works on the board. Abel Cathelineau, Nicolas’s shaper joined him in Cape Verde to finalize the last details on the 100 KG board.

J-2, en direct de l’atelierDépart dans 2 jours !On sera prêt ! :)2 days to D-day !We will be ready ! 🙂

Posté par Stand Up Paddle Transatlantic sur jeudi 7 avril 2016

06/04/2016 D-3

3 days to D-day !! Stand Up Paddle Transatlantic and Environment… Nicolas explains the details of his work for scientific researchers from Septentrion Environnement, MIO and Ecoute Ta Planete.

Départ dans 3 jours !Stand Up Paddle Transatlantic et environnement… pourquoi des chercheurs scientifiques s’intéressent à mes futures observations pour Septentrion Environnement, le MIO de Marseille et Ecoute ta planete.3 days to D-day !!Stand Up Paddle Transatlantic and environment… why scientific researchers are interested in my future observations for Septentrion Environnement, MIO of Marseille and Ecoute Ta Planete.Hotel de La Region PACA Réseau Mer Navicom Fishing HotMer Martigues Uship Accastillage Julbo Eyewear Outside Reef La Martinique, Fleur des Caraïbes Yellow FLAG Shooting HORUE MOVIE Adrenagliss Association Rêves (Page Officielle) I2WE Nautic – Salon nautique de Paris Sapeurs-pompiers du Gard Compte Officiel TotalSUP BFS bodyfit shop Miel du Serre-Paulet

Posté par Stand Up Paddle Transatlantic sur mercredi 6 avril 2016


nicolas jarossay checking his first aid kit
Before going on a great adventure, always check your personnal medical box.

05/04/2016 D-4

nicolas jarossay looking
On the way towards the unknown…

04/04/2016 D-5

nicolas jarossay hotel cape verde
A little photograph of Ixola hotel in Tarrafal where our team has been staying for nearly 2 weeks. You can see that Maritima (a radio and TV from the Bouches du Rhone, France) is present here! They will follow and relay my journey several times per week. Thanks to them for their partnership.

03/04/2016 D-6

Abel Cathelineau, nicolas jarossay's shaper
Work began again on the board here in Tarrafal (Cabo Verde). You can see Abel Cathelineau (the good shaper) putting plugs to fix material and life lines. The board underwent a lot of modifications compared to the 1st prototype, here is a nonexhaustive list : length increased to 7m to gain output in the back trunk, hydrophobic construction foams, watertight back locker with inspection doors, extraction and security stopper in the cockpit in case of reversal. Coming : port-holes, solar panels, life lines…

02/04/2016 D-7

concerning wastes issue in cape verde
Since my arrival on the island, I have been concerned by the quantity of waste left out in the open. We see it everywhere, in the cities or even in the middle of nature. All these garbages will put hundreds of years to be degraded and they are likely to be found one day or another in the sea. We have to act now because the plastic wastes will disaggregate into tiny particles, almost invisible but very harmful to the environnement. Avoid buying products which have too much packaging, choose reusable containers, prefer bags made with fabric or organic matter… There are so many easy way to prevent our environment from being turned into a giant garbage dump. This is why, with the association Ecoute ta planète, partner of my crossing, we will do some environnemental sensibilization to schools.

01/04/2016 D-8

huge custom paddleboard
After two days and a night spend in Praia and after walking from an office to another, the authorities allowed us to pick up the board and the equipment. Even if it seemed like a long time to us, the authorities were faster than usual. Abel, the shaper, arrived yesterday at night, the work on the board will start tomorrow.

31/03/2016 D-9

nicolas jarossay interview
Today, I made was interviewed by Televisão de Cabo Verde (the television channel of Cape Verde). The report has been shot in Praia and will be aired next monday in Cape Verde.

30/03/2016 D-10

nicolas jarossay chilling
A big thank you to the elementary school “Le Carestier” in Marignane, France (my children’s school). The pupil surprised me by writing individually on 2 sheets made with hydrophobic fibres (that should allow me to stay dry a maximum) which absorb only what is fat and polluting. A special thank you to Claire and “Histoire de Mal’ice” for this beautiful thing and “Ecoute ta planete” for this clever idea!

1 week in Cape Verde 

After 1 week, Nicolas is still waiting for the green light from Customs in Cape Verde to recover his board.

Après une semaine passée au Cap Vert, voici une petite vidéo pour vous donner des nouvelles.J’attends le feu vert de la douane pour récupérer la planche et le matériel aujourd’hui ou demain. Vous pourrez donc bientôt voir des nouvelles photos de mon embarcation.After a week in Cape Verde, here is a small video to give you some news.I’m waiting for the green light of the customs to receive the board and the equipment today or tomorrow. Soon, you will be able to see more photographs of my paddle-board.

Posté par Stand Up Paddle Transatlantic sur lundi 28 mars 2016

Read further:
> Nicolas Jarossay: “I want to be the first man to cross the Atlantic”
Stand Up Paddle Atlantic Crossing: Nicolas Jarossay’s First Live Test
Stand Up Transatlantic Crossing – Board shipped to Cape Verde, Launch in April!

About the Author

Mathieu Astier

Mathieu is the hyper-active founder of TotalSUP and a multilingual online marketing veteran with more than 20 years of experience working for top international internet companies. His love-at-first-sight for Stand Up Paddling in 2013 led him to build one of the leading online media dedicated to SUP in English and French and to turn his family lifestyle towards the ocean.

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