

10 Reasons to Take Part in ZE RACE: Guadeloupe in January, Ze Place to Be!

15 Nov 2017

10 Reasons to Take Part in ZE RACE: Guadeloupe in January, Ze Place to Be!

Last year, TotalSUP was lucky enough to go to Guadeloupe to take part in a very particular kind of challenge, the 6th edition of ZE RACE, the longest downwind race on French territory. 3 weeks of intensive downwind races and of watersports activities of all kinds. 3 weeks of changeable conditions, of new friendships forged […]

SUP and Outrigger: Garrett Fletcher On Two Complementary Disciplines

4 Oct 2017

SUP and Outrigger: Garrett Fletcher On Two Complementary Disciplines

Garrett Fletcher has been practising SUP both recreationally and competitively for many years. He’s more recently taken to outrigger canoeing. A sport he believes has real potential if certain criteria are brought together and it’s given the right chance to flourish in a more mainstream environment. For outrigger specialist Woo, he spoke with TotalSUP about […]

SUP et Va’a : Deux Sports, Une Technique

31 Jul 2017

SUP et Va’a : Deux Sports, Une Technique

Nicolas Beynet, SUP rider aguerri et nouvel ambassadeur de la marque de pirogues WOO Outrigger, revient tout juste d’un voyage Ă  Tahiti oĂč il a eu la chance de participer au Te Aito et au championnat du monde de Va’a Marathon. Ayant beaucoup appris au pays de la pirogue, le Bruscain (Var) nous livre sa vision des […]

Woo Attracting Stand Up Paddlers with its Revolutionary New Outrigger Canoe!

14 Jul 2017

Woo Attracting Stand Up Paddlers with its Revolutionary New Outrigger Canoe!

French outrigger canoe manufacturer Woo has just pulled off a major coup by launching the smallest outrigger canoe model currently on sale in the world. In doing so, they are single-handedly putting a stop to one of the major sticking points that confronts potential buyers when looking to purchase an OC1, it’s awkward dimensions. The […]

La Nouvelle Pirogue RĂ©volutionnaire de Woo Ă  La ConquĂȘte des Stand Up Paddlers

4 Jul 2017

La Nouvelle Pirogue RĂ©volutionnaire de Woo Ă  La ConquĂȘte des Stand Up Paddlers

Woo, le fabricant français de pirogues, vient de frapper un grand coup en commercialisant la plus petite pirogue au monde, rĂ©glant ainsi le frein numĂ©ro un Ă  l’achat d’une OC1, son encombrement. La Feline, de 5,10m de long (la longueur d’une berline), devrait permettre de dĂ©mocratiser la pratique de ce sport, cousin du SUP, et […]

La Pirogue, Nouveau Jouet du SUP Racer! Interview de Titouan Puyo.

10 Oct 2016

La Pirogue, Nouveau Jouet du SUP Racer! Interview de Titouan Puyo.

Aujourd’hui nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  un sujet qui est en train de faire son chemin parmi les adeptes du Stand Up Paddle et notamment en France: s’armer d’une pirogue! Du grand Kahunas Pascal Pouget, qui a trouvĂ©, avec une opĂ©ration au genou, l’excuse parfaite pour commencer Ă  pagayer assis, en passant par Olivia Piana qui […]