
Sup 11 City Tour

Fred Bonnef et le SUP 11 City Tour 2018, un rĂŞve accompli et une revanche personnelle

2 Oct 2018

Fred Bonnef et le SUP 11 City Tour 2018, un rĂŞve accompli et une revanche personnelle

Le mois dernier lors de la 10ème Ă©dition du SUP 11 City Tour aux Pays-Bas, FrĂ©dĂ©ric Bonnef, le rider de Fanatic, est allĂ© au bout de ses 220 kilomètres avec les tripes et le mord aux dents. Pour cet ex-pro du windsurf et l’un des premiers SUP racers français de niveau international, privĂ© de sports nautiques […]

Seychelle Clinches Victory on the 11 City Tour!

20 Sep 2018

Seychelle Clinches Victory on the 11 City Tour!

2 weeks ago Floridian paddler Seychelle  stormed to victory in the 11 City Tour for the 3rd time. Her victory came after a week of highs and lows whilst competing on the 10th anniversary edition of the SUP 11 City Tour, with victory swinging back and forth between Seychelle and Starboard paddler Yuka Sato. Seychelle started the […]

SUP 11 City Tour NON-STOP 2018 : la victoire finale pour Olivier Darrieumerlou !

6 Sep 2018

SUP 11 City Tour NON-STOP 2018 : la victoire finale pour Olivier Darrieumerlou !

Deux fois deuxième lors des deux Ă©ditions prĂ©cĂ©dentes, Olivier Darrieumerlou a remportĂ© la SUP 11 City Tour NON-Stop 2018 qui se dĂ©roule en septembre aux Pays-Bas. Très Ă  l’aise sur sa planche 425 Pro, il rĂ©alise un chrono final de 24’27’08 au bout des 220km de course et devance Niek Van Der Linde qui termine […]

LIVE GPS TRACKER – SUP 11 City Tour 2018 – 5 Day Event

5 Sep 2018

LIVE GPS TRACKER – SUP 11 City Tour 2018 – 5 Day Event

Follow the 5 day race live with the GPS tracker from Wednesday September 5th from 9 am. 5 day Schedule Day 1: 43.3 km Leeuwarden – Sloten Day 2: 45.5 km Sloten – Workum Day 3: 41.3 km Workum – Franeker Day 4: 42.6 km Franeker – Dokkum Day 5: 27.2 km Dokkum – Leeuwarden


31 Aug 2018


Follow the Non-Stop race live with the GPS tracker from Saturday September 1st at 9 am. 

SUP 11 City: Redemption For Dean Dunbar

28 Aug 2018

SUP 11 City: Redemption For Dean Dunbar

The countdown begins for the SUP 11 city , in just 4 days time those who dare will paddle 220 km non stop from Leeuwarden, and finish up to 36 hours later back in Leeuwarden taking in 11 cities on the way. Two days after that the 5 day event begins, before finishing on Sunday […]

SUP 11 City Tour: Be Part of a World Record!

3 Aug 2018

SUP 11 City Tour: Be Part of a World Record!

Do you want to be part of a world record attempt? Organisers of the SUP 11-City-Tour are calling all paddlers old and new to the sport to help break the record for the most amount of paddle boards on the water! The current record is 844 paddlers set in Vladivostok Russia in September 2017.  This attempt […]

Flying Dutchwoman Janneke Smits Set for Record Attempt!

20 Jul 2018

Flying Dutchwoman Janneke Smits Set for Record Attempt!

Next week is an exciting time at 3 Bay with 4 Guinness World Record events being attempted,there will be four attempts on Lake Aiguebelette in the Savoy, France. The four attempts will be – Greatest distance by Stand up Paddleboard on Flatwater in 24 hours by a male with Florent Dode. He will attempt to beat the […]

SUP 11 City:  Gather Your Paddle Friends and Make a Team!

30 Mar 2018

SUP 11 City: Gather Your Paddle Friends and Make a Team!

Celebrate the 10th anniversary of the SUP 11-City Tour by gathering your paddle friends together to make a team for the SUP 11-City Tour non-stop race, its the perfect way to complete this challenge! As well as the solo race, the SUP relay is an unique way to experience the SUP 11-city tour. TotalSUP talks […]

SUP 11-city tour: PrĂŞt pour un nouveau challenge avec Florent Dode

19 Mar 2018

SUP 11-city tour: PrĂŞt pour un nouveau challenge avec Florent Dode

Cette annĂ©e, le SUP 11-City Tour va fĂŞter son 10ème anniversaire; Etes-vous prĂŞt a vous joindre Ă  la fĂŞte? Le SUP 11-city tour est une course unique oĂą plus de 200 rameurs internationaux parcourent le Friesland, une province au nord des Pays-Bas. Les paysages du Friesland sont typiques des Pays-Bas avec ses champs ouverts, ses […]

Exciting New Paddle League Announced for Season 2018!

26 Jan 2018

Exciting New Paddle League Announced for Season 2018!

Season 2018 has started off with a bang with the formation of The Paddle League,  the brainchild of  highly-respected Australian athlete Kelly Margetts, Christopher Parker and Brian Meyer from Capital SUP (CEO), and in collaboration with The Paddlers Collective. A move which The Paddle League highlighted is to promote an all inclusive approach to SUP competition […]

Dean Dunbar – Blind and Dangerous

9 Jan 2018

Dean Dunbar – Blind and Dangerous

Dean Dunbar, is a Stand Up Paddler that we all should know, paddling for only 4 years, he has completed some incredible distance paddles, including  52 km paddle from the UK Scilly Isles to Cornwall, UK. In 2017 he became the 1st person to SUP from from North Uist, in Scotland, to the remote island of […]

SUP 11 City Tour Winner Daniel Hasulyo: Brotherly SUP

22 Sep 2017

SUP 11 City Tour Winner Daniel Hasulyo: Brotherly SUP

He’s one half of the notorious SUPBROz duo you’ve been hearing so much about and he recently took the men’s title at the SUP 11 City Tour in The Netherlands. But when you and your own sibling are an almost inseparable pair in a competitive sport like stand up paddle, can rivalry ever seep in […]