

Le 1er FINISTERE SURFSKI FESTIVAL Pour Ouvrir La Pratique Du Surfski !

2 Feb 2022

Le 1er FINISTERE SURFSKI FESTIVAL Pour Ouvrir La Pratique Du Surfski !

La toute première Ă©dition du Finistere Suftski Festival se tiendra les 16 et 17 avril Ă  GuissĂ©ny dans le Nord Finistère! L’Ă©vĂ©nement a pour but de rĂ©unir les pratiquants du surfski de loisir mais aussi les nouveaux adeptes du surfski et les curieux. Le Finistere Surfski Festival est organisĂ© en partenariat avec Guisseny Paddle, Barrachou […]

Finistere Surfski Festival – Be Part of the Change!

24 Jan 2022

Finistere Surfski Festival – Be Part of the Change!

Introducing the world’s first Surfski Festival held on the 16th and 17th April aimed at bringing together leisure paddlers and new surfski paddlers. The Finistere Surfski Festival is organised in partnership with Guisseny Paddle, Barrachou Paddle and Tom Thorpe from Surfski Dynamics .  The surfski festival was born out of the need to open up […]

Randonner en Surfski, mais oui c’est possible !

13 Apr 2021

Randonner en Surfski, mais oui c’est possible !

Et oui, on peut envisager de partir en rando avec un Surfski ! Si ce n’est pas le premier support qui nous vient Ă  l’esprit pour cette activitĂ©, le Surfski peut ĂŞtre adaptĂ© Ă  la rando, et  peut mĂŞme ĂŞtre carrĂ©ment parfait pour ça. Voyons ce qu’il en est d’un peu plus près… L’idĂ©e de […]

Les différentes pratiques du Surfski

11 Mar 2021

Les différentes pratiques du Surfski

Le Surfski dans toute sa diversitĂ© Quand on parle du Surfski, on pense souvent à : instable, hyper long, pour les pros. Et bien oui, mais pas que! Le Surfski est ce kayak Sit on Top et autovideur, comme un SUP, mais dirigĂ© grâce Ă  un safran, pas debout mais assis! Il est plein de ressources, seul ou […]

What Surfski For Beginners?

9 Mar 2021

What Surfski For Beginners?

Choosing your first surfski can be a mine field. It can seem like an impossible decision to make. We all know that person who bought their first ski, then hastly changed it a few months later! So how do you avoid that? Do you go light? Do you go narrow? Do you go fast? Do […]

DĂ©buter en Surfski: Conseils, Matos et Tarifs

9 Feb 2021

DĂ©buter en Surfski: Conseils, Matos et Tarifs

Le Surfski, rĂ©cent en Europe, est devenu un support et une pratique, de plus en plus rĂ©pandue. Mais au fait, le Surfski c’est quoi? Pour qui? Comment choisir? OĂą en trouver et oĂą essayer? Dans un prĂ©cĂ©dent article, Nicolas Lambert, a dĂ©jĂ  pu expliquer ce qu’est le Surfski. Nous allons ici aborder cette activitĂ© avec […]

Oscar Chalupsky | The BIG O Extreme Paddle Machine

25 Jan 2021

Oscar Chalupsky | The BIG O Extreme Paddle Machine

Oscar Chalupsky, a name that rings around the surfskiing world. A prominent member of the surfski community, and one that is known for his passion towards surfski, both in his paddling and in his coaching. Most people in the surfskiing world have been influenced by the Big O, some directly and some indirectly. A big […]

Bruno Hasulyo Leaves Starboard and Joins New Team LIGHTCORP

14 Jan 2019

Bruno Hasulyo Leaves Starboard and Joins New Team LIGHTCORP

Breaking news! Hungarian 2017 Long Distance ISA World Champion Bruno Hasulyo is leaving a 10-year collaboration with Starboard and brother-partner-team-mate Daniel to join LIGHTCORP, a collaboration between Kayak-rooted company Nelo and surf-and-snowboard company Lightboard Corp. His paddle sponsor is also a new one. Exclusive interview! So Bruno, it sounds like you have a big announcement […]

Introducing the ICF SUP 2018 World Championships by Andre Santos

30 Jul 2018

Introducing the ICF SUP 2018 World Championships by Andre Santos

The ICF SUP world championships will be hosted in Portugal this year, with 4 days of racing that includes 4 different SUP race formats it will be an event that will suit everyone. The action will take place on the 30th August until the 2nd September in the town of Esposende situated on the Portuguese […]