
Tomoyasu Murabayashi

Tomo Murabayashi: the day SUP Tomo became FOIL Tomo

13 Feb 2021

Tomo Murabayashi: the day SUP Tomo became FOIL Tomo

In the past 24 years, Japanese waterman Tomo Murabayashi aka SUP Tomo, FOIL Tomo or just Tomo, hasn’t spent many days away from the ocean. After years of windsurfing, kiting and stand up paddling, he was in 2016 one of the earliest takers and subsequently pioneers in the Foil revolution the watersport world has been […]

“Warden Marr” or Downwind Week Down Under

25 Nov 2016

“Warden Marr” or Downwind Week Down Under

By James Casey, team JP Australia   While the northern hemisphere descends into winter with the surf or snow season kicking off, down under the paddling season is just beginning. Each year paddlers from across the country flock to Western Australia for Warden Marr or Downwind Week, as the fabled southwesterly winds turn the Indian […]

Vincent Guillaume, Champion de France de la Préparation Physique

2 Nov 2016

Vincent Guillaume, Champion de France de la Préparation Physique

Il n’Ă©tait pas sur l’eau mais il Ă©tait pourtant de tous les podiums ce week-end de Toussaint aux Championnats de France de SUP Race 2016 avec 15 mĂ©dailles (on a comptĂ© mais il en manque peut-ĂȘtre!). De  Titouan Puyo et Martin Letourneur à Amandine Chazot en passant par les Espoirs Yanis Maire, Martin Vitry ou le vĂ©tĂ©ran GrĂ©goire Vitry, le nom […]

Hawaii, le rĂȘve accompli de Romuald Mamadou

15 Sep 2016

Hawaii, le rĂȘve accompli de Romuald Mamadou

En pleine organisation de l’Ă©dition 2017 de Ze Caribbean Race sur sa mer natale de Guadeloupe, Romuald Mamadou a pris le temps de revenir pour nous sur son incroyable voyage Ă  Hawaii en juillet dernier. Un rĂȘve de gosse enfin rĂ©alisĂ© avec en ligne de mire plusieurs courses mythiques oĂč le nouveau downwinder du Team Starboard […]

SUP Race Week-end Results: Japan Cup, SUP 11 City Tour, Battle of the Rock, Collioure Arena Race

12 Sep 2016

SUP Race Week-end Results: Japan Cup, SUP 11 City Tour, Battle of the Rock, Collioure Arena Race

Another week-end of intense SUP racing worldwide, here are the results we could get: Michael Booth and Annabel Anderson win the Japan Cup’s Long Distance on Day 1 Men’s  1. Michael Booth (1:43:55) 2. James Casey (1:46:10) 3. Kenny Kaneko (1:46:17) 4. Matt Nottage (1:46:31) 5. Timothy Cyprien (1:47:30) 6. Toby Cracknell (1:49:29) 7. Tomoyasu […]

Molokai 2 Oahu 2016 – Full Start List Revealed

11 Mar 2016

Molokai 2 Oahu 2016 – Full Start List Revealed

The start list for the 2016 Molokai 2 Oahu has just been unveiled and many riders worldwide have just found out in their mail box if they have received the precious sesame to the 2016 M2O also known as the Channel of Bones crossing. This year’s edition is going to be really competitive… This year, […]

Tomoyasu Murabayashi, SUP Japanese Style

3 Nov 2014

Tomoyasu Murabayashi, SUP Japanese Style

Meet Japanese SUP rider Tomoyashi Murabayashi aka SUP Tomo, one the most active Stand-Up Paddle ambassadors in his country. The rider from Starboard tells us about his recent SUP achievements and how big SUP is growing in Japan! TotalSUP: Hi Tomoyasu, could you please introduce yourself ? Tomoyasu Murabayashi: Hi, I come from Japan, I am […]

Tomoyasu Murabayashi having fun

2 Feb 2014

Tomoyasu Murabayashi having fun

The japanese rider from Starboard shows his amazing skills in the waves.  Le rider japonais de Starboard en démonstration dans les vagues.  El rider japones de Starboard enseña su talento en las olas.