

SUP 11 City Tour Winner Daniel Hasulyo: Brotherly SUP

22 Sep 2017

SUP 11 City Tour Winner Daniel Hasulyo: Brotherly SUP

He’s one half of the notorious SUPBROz duo you’ve been hearing so much about and he recently took the men’s title at the SUP 11 City Tour in The Netherlands. But when you and your own sibling are an almost inseparable pair in a competitive sport like stand up paddle, can rivalry ever seep in […]

INTERVIEW: SUPBroz, the story of two Stand Up Brothers

25 Jul 2016

INTERVIEW: SUPBroz, the story of two Stand Up Brothers

Daniel and Bruno Hasulyo from Starboard also known as SUPBROz are 2 brothers and out of the ordinary stand up athletes. They were born in Hungary, grew up in Italy and since then never stopped moving around the globe. These two are both incredible Stand Up Paddlers and truly have their own special way to […]