
Sup Foil

Comment choisir sa première planche de foil ?

25 Sep 2022

Comment choisir sa première planche de foil ?

Il n’est jamais trop tôt pour penser à la belle saison et vous souhaiteriez investir dans votre première planche de foil ? Que vous soyez un total débutant, que vous ayez pris vos premiers cours l’été dernier ou bien que vous soyez un rider déjà plus aguerri, TotalSUP et Fanatic pensent à vous ! On […]

Kick-start your 2020 SUP foiling adventure with beginner tips from Fanatic Rider & World Champ Christian Andersen

27 Dec 2019

Kick-start your 2020 SUP foiling adventure with beginner tips from Fanatic Rider & World Champ Christian Andersen

As SUP riders across the globe are setting new goals for the 2020 season, SUP foiling, one of the most hyped water activities of the recent years, will make it to the top of the bucket lists. Total SUP caught up with the Fanatic Team Rider and 2019 Junior World Champion, Christian Andersen aka Polar […]

Step by Step Guide to SUP Foiling with Greg Closier

10 Aug 2018

Step by Step Guide to SUP Foiling with Greg Closier

Foiling is here. As the technology improves and the cost of foils decrease we will start to see more and more people take to the water on their foils. So how do you get started? Takuma man Greg Closier gives TotalSUP how to guide to start this new sport. I started surf foiling in 2016, […]

Greg Closier, Ambassadeur Takuma Concept : Comment le SUP foil est-il en train d’évoluer?

24 Nov 2017

Greg Closier, Ambassadeur Takuma Concept : Comment le SUP foil est-il en train d’évoluer?

Par Grégory Closier, ambassadeur de la marque de foil / SUP foil Takuma Concept Le foil est clairement la tendance 2017. Après le kite et le wind, c’est tout naturellement au tour du SUP et du surf de succomber au charme du foil. Depuis la fameuse vidéo de Kai Lenny (voir en bas de la page) […]

SUP Foil: Interview with Cyril Coste, Founder of Takuma Concept

20 Jul 2017

SUP Foil: Interview with Cyril Coste, Founder of Takuma Concept

Before SUP Foil started to become popular over a year ago, Cyril Coste and some of his friends already had the idea of designing their own foils for SUP flatwater conditions. Takuma Concept launched the Takuma Foil V100, the brand’s biggest success to date, which can be used for all kinds of foil (SUP, Surf, […]

The Young Prodigy Léo-Paul Etienne in Action

28 Mar 2017

The Young Prodigy Léo-Paul Etienne in Action

The 18-year old Guadeloupean rider, Léo-Paul Etienne, practicing in SUP Foil on the Caribbean Sea. Despite his young age, he has already won several surfing titles and has already qualified for the French SUP Surf Championship final.

Zane & Matty Schweitzer + Maui + Sunset + SUP Foil + …..  Lights !

7 Jan 2017

Zane & Matty Schweitzer + Maui + Sunset + SUP Foil + ….. Lights !

Here is another piece of magic by the Schweitzer brothers Zane & Matty in Maui accompanied by Abraham Shouse as they film their amazing SUP foil duo at sunset with lights under their SUP boards.  The result is truly beautiful! Video filmed & edited by Matty Schweitzer at Mat5o Media.  

SUP Foil: a Beginner’s Story by Eric Terrien

13 Oct 2016

SUP Foil: a Beginner’s Story by Eric Terrien

By Eric Terrien, BIC SUP — I have been asked a lot of questions since I have started playing with SUP Foil. Here is a summary of my experience so far. This is, of course, a beginner’s point of view, since I have done at this stage only 15 SUP foil sessions. My choice of SUP foil board […]

River SUP Foil by Ludovic Dulou

16 Sep 2016

River SUP Foil by Ludovic Dulou

Is SUP foil going mainstream? Check-out this video of French F-One rider Ludovic Dulou at dawn taking off smoothly on his Stand Up Paddle board over a tiny river swell in the South-West of France.

Interview : Raphaël Filippi nous parle de son expérience en SUP Foil

9 Aug 2016

Interview : Raphaël Filippi nous parle de son expérience en SUP Foil

  Cette semaine, nous avons eu la chance de pouvoir échanger avec Raphaël Filippi, star international de Windsurf mais qui pratique de nombreux autres sports de glisse, à propos de sa toute récente vidéo où l’on a pu le voir essayer le SUP Foil. Nous tenons tout d’abord à le remercier pour sa disponibilité et […]

Hydrofoil SUP – Kai Lenny’s Board Explained

4 May 2016

Hydrofoil SUP – Kai Lenny’s Board Explained

A couple of days ago, Kay Lenny released a video of himself riding a 12’6 Naish Malolo SUP Race board cut in half and mounted with a hydrofoil which led to a lot of people wondering how a foil works. We asked Cyril Garbous, owner of the FreeRide Attitude shop in the south of France and […]

EXPLICATION : L’Hydrofoil de Kai Lenny

2 May 2016

EXPLICATION : L’Hydrofoil de Kai Lenny

Suite à la vidéo de Kai Lenny qui a déjà fait le tour de la planète en moins de 48 heures et dans laquelle il met à l’épreuve une board agrémenté d’un foil, nous avons décidé d’en savoir plus sur ce principe. Cyril Garbous, patron du shop FreeRide Attitude et l’un des pionniers du foil en France a accepté […]