

Les courses de pirogues polynésiennes à travers le monde

18 Mar 2021

Les courses de pirogues polynésiennes à travers le monde

La pirogue ou va’a en tahitien est un des plus anciens supports nautiques au monde, ces embarcations taillĂ©es pour la haute mer ont servies Ă  coloniser toutes les iles du pacifique. Depuis l’avènement de l’avion qui est, il faut l’avouer, beaucoup plus pratique, la pirogue Ă  pris un tournant beaucoup plus sympa en devenant un sport […]

Molokai 2 Oahu launches its open registrations for M2O 2020 with a sick video

15 Jan 2020

Molokai 2 Oahu launches its open registrations for M2O 2020 with a sick video

M2O 2020 Announcing the 2020 Molokai 2 Oahu registration is now open for the 2020 edition which will be held on July 26, 2020 To register, go to:

BIC Paddler Eric Terrien Recounts his Foil Race in the Molokai 2 Oahu

4 Sep 2018

BIC Paddler Eric Terrien Recounts his Foil Race in the Molokai 2 Oahu

French man and  BIC rider Eric Terrien became the 1st European to complete the fabled Molokai to Oahu race in July. The Molokai to Oahu that was 51 KM (32 miles) long and billed the “world’s most challenging race” it isn’t a race to be taken lightly.  Eric Terrien gives TotalSUP a frank account of his […]

Eric Terrien flying high for the Molokai 2 Oahu!

27 Jul 2018

Eric Terrien flying high for the Molokai 2 Oahu!

Eric Terrien, one of the living legends of the SUP World and a BIC Sport ambassador is set to tackle the Molokai 2 Oahu (M2O), an event  which is considered “one of the worlds most challenging races” and is synonymous with the Hawaiian Islands. Frenchman Eric knows the event well having paddled the 52 km “channel of […]

Un Vol pour l’Histoire: Eric Terrien se Lance sur la M2O en SUP Foil

20 Jul 2018

Un Vol pour l’Histoire: Eric Terrien se Lance sur la M2O en SUP Foil

Encore et toujours pionnier, Eric Terrien, l’une des lĂ©gendes vivantes du SUP Race mondial et ambassadeur de la marque BIC Sport, s’attaque Ă  une Ă©preuve non moins lĂ©gendaire, la Molokai 2 Oahu (M2O pour les intimes). Une Ă©preuve hawaĂŻenne qu’il connait dĂ©jĂ  bien mais cette fois, c’est sur un foil et avec une poignĂ©e de […]

Take Off With The Air Tahiti Nui Paddle Royal!

23 Apr 2018

Take Off With The Air Tahiti Nui Paddle Royal!

In less than 2 weeks the Air Tahiti Nui Paddle Royal will take off! Scheduled to run on the 5th May 2018 what started out as a fund raiser to support the Air Tahiti Nui Va’a team, has now become a big event in the Tahitian race calendar. It is no surprise that this event is growing in […]

Ludovic Dulou, Le Waterman Français en SUP à La Molokai !

7 Jul 2017

Ludovic Dulou, Le Waterman Français en SUP à La Molokai !

Waterman aguerri, Ludovic Dulou est l’un des premiers Ă  avoir pratiquĂ© le Stand-Up Paddle en France. Participant 6 fois Ă  la très rĂ©putĂ©e Molokai 2 Oahu entre 2003 et aujourd’hui en Prone, l’ambassadeur Oxbow s’apprĂŞte Ă  prendre part au fameux Downwind Hawaiien pour la première fois en SUP le 30 juillet prochain. Salut Ludovic, tu […]

Molokai 2 Oahu 2016 : Recap & Results

2 Aug 2016

Molokai 2 Oahu 2016 : Recap & Results

This past sunday was marked by the annual Molokai 2 Oahu. It was an amazing day, from sunshine to rain, flat to chaotic water, and many battles in between. In the SUP solo women category, Sonni Honscheid, set a personal best record in her third consecutive win at M2O (5:01:40). She was just minutes off the unlimited […]

The Ultimate Guide to Hawaiian Downwinds – Interview of Robert Stehlik

19 Jul 2016

The Ultimate Guide to Hawaiian Downwinds – Interview of Robert Stehlik

Robert Stehlik is a true downwind expert. The founder of the Honolulu-based SUP shop and Stand Up Paddle brand Blue Planet, has a long history with the Hawaiian downwind scene. Despite being a full-time SUP entrepreneur, this diehard SUP Racer loves to participates in the major Hawaiian downwind races whenever he can. We naturally turned […]

Molokai 2 Oahu 2016 – Full Start List Revealed

11 Mar 2016

Molokai 2 Oahu 2016 – Full Start List Revealed

The start list for the 2016 Molokai 2 Oahu has just been unveiled and many riders worldwide have just found out in their mail box if they have received the precious sesame to the 2016 M2O also known as the Channel of Bones crossing. This year’s edition is going to be really competitive… This year, […]

The 2015 Molokai 2 Oahu World Championship in 10 Points

27 Jul 2015

The 2015 Molokai 2 Oahu World Championship in 10 Points

1. Travis Grant (4:59:38) takes the Molokai 2 Oahu title for the 2nd time after his 2013 victory. Here is what Travis had to say about his victory: ” I don’t know what to say. M2O 2015 winner. So hot, so tough, so happy. This race means more to me then I thought. Thank you to everyone that supported me. […]

Sonni Hönscheid and the 2015 Molokai 2 Oahu race

25 Jul 2015

Sonni Hönscheid and the 2015 Molokai 2 Oahu race

Sonni Hönscheid is last year's winner of the Molokai 2 Oahu channel crossing and the first ever european to win this iconic race. Here she gives her views on the event and explains why it is such such a special one.

Andrea Moller and the 2015 Molokai 2 Oahu Race

25 Jul 2015

Andrea Moller and the 2015 Molokai 2 Oahu Race

Watch this little clip with Andrea Moller, SUP rider from SIC who has been crossing the channel of bones for 11 years: “Deep waters, open ocean, you never know what you're going to encounter. You see the horizon and you barely see O'ahu. To cross the channel and touch the land on the other side is indescribable.” 

2015 Molokai 2 Oahu – The Countdown!

24 Jul 2015

2015 Molokai 2 Oahu – The Countdown!

We are 72 hours aways from the start of one of the biggest SUP events of the year: the 2015 Molokai 2 Oahu crossing. 32 miles of open ocean between 2 large islands of the Hawaii archipelago. Are you ready?