

SUP event lac d’Annecy : Un Week-End SUP pour toute la famille

5 May 2016

SUP event lac d’Annecy : Un Week-End SUP pour toute la famille

La deuxième édition du SUP Event du Lac d’Annecy aura lieu dans 30 jours, le premier week-end de juin. Au programme 4 courses ouvertes à tous et une bonne ambiance qui devrait être au rendez-vous. L’événement sera organisé par l’UNCA. James-Olivier Gallice, membre actif du club, nous donne tous les détails sur cet événement ouvert à […]

Race Report ! Gabas Paddle Race 2016

30 Mar 2016

Race Report ! Gabas Paddle Race 2016

The Gabas Paddle Race took place last week-end in Lourenties, near Pau in France. With the participation of Florent Dode and two top Spanish riders, the second edition of the race appeared to take a strong international outlook. Here is our report on this fun and entertaining race which is gaining momentum as a season opener in Europe. If […]

My SUP Dog And Me Around Lake Tahoe, by Breeze Turner

30 Oct 2014

My SUP Dog And Me Around Lake Tahoe, by Breeze Turner

We would like to introduce Breeze Turner to you. She is an amazing SUP girl who rarely jumps on her board without her dog, a Golden Retriever called Marley. Here is the story of their recent circumnavigation trip around Lake Tahoe, Nevada/California, USA. Total SUP: Hi Breeze, can you introduce yourself and your relationship with […]

How I Won the Muskoka River X Expedition Race by Bart de Zwart

17 Sep 2014

How I Won the Muskoka River X Expedition Race by Bart de Zwart

Hardly a week after winning the 11-City Tour, Bart de Swart, the extreme race rider from Starboard, had another endurance race lined up, in Canada this time… and won it. Here is his account of the Muskoka River X Expedition Race… The Muskoka River X race by Bart de Swart The Muskoka river X in Canada is […]

Stand Up Paddle in Greece, Where and When?

19 Jun 2014

Stand Up Paddle in Greece, Where and When?

GREECE — You haven’t made up your mind on where to spend your SUP summer holidays? Our TotalSUP ambassador in Greece Giannis Vasvatekis from SUP Spot Platamon might convince you that his homeland Greece is your perfect Stand Up Paddle destination! With 13,676 km of coastline (the biggest one in Europe and 11th in the […]

Get Paddlefit with Susanne Lier – Core Training & Balance

30 Apr 2014

Get Paddlefit with Susanne Lier – Core Training & Balance

Hi, I'm Susanne Lier, founder of Paddlefit and TotalSUP's ambassador in Switzerland ! Today I am going to show you how you can strengthen your back and get a powerful core with an opposite leg and arm lift which you can perform on your board while you are on the water. So take a few minutes to train your back, […]