

Comment choisir sa première planche de foil ?

25 Sep 2022

Comment choisir sa première planche de foil ?

Il n’est jamais trop tôt pour penser à la belle saison et vous souhaiteriez investir dans votre première planche de foil ? Que vous soyez un total débutant, que vous ayez pris vos premiers cours l’été dernier ou bien que vous soyez un rider déjà plus aguerri, TotalSUP et Fanatic pensent à vous ! On […]

How SUNOVA Rider James Casey set a Guinness World Record in SUP foiling

20 May 2022

How SUNOVA Rider James Casey set a Guinness World Record in SUP foiling

There is a memorable exchange in “Everest” (2015) film where a journalist has to ask ‘the Why question’, “Why do people climb Mount Everest?” and the crew replies, “Because it’s there”. “Why the extreme?” has been a recurring theme in TotalSUP conversations with riders embarking on and completing extraordinary watersport challenges and we had to […]

Lincoln Dews tests SIC Maui innovative flip fuselage offering foilers two set-up options

25 Apr 2022

Lincoln Dews tests SIC Maui innovative flip fuselage offering foilers two set-up options

“The key to foiling safely and enjoyably is having the right equipment fine tuned,” claims Lincoln Dews, the two-time SUP World Champion and SIC Maui Team Rider, who has been flying high (literally!) while involved in testing and development of the brand’s innovative foil system that provides riders with two set-up choices within one component. […]

How to Wing Foil – Part 1

2 Oct 2019

How to Wing Foil – Part 1

In this great tutorial video, Fanatic rider and whitewater sup and foil pioneer takes a close look at the 2020 Duotone Foil Wing, explain how to rig the wing for riding, adjust boom for power, and how to carry the Foil Wing and foil board to the water. Video footage by Chris Emerick.

How to SUP foil? Fanatic SUP pro rider Sky Solbach shows the ropes!

23 Apr 2019

How to SUP foil? Fanatic SUP pro rider Sky Solbach shows the ropes!

In this great SUP foiling tutorial clip, Fanatic shaper Sky Solbach introduces the latest Fanatic foil equipment and talks about foot placement, finding your balance and getting a feel for your stand-up paddle foil rapidly and in a secure way. With these tips it won’t be long until you‘ll enjoy the longest ride you’ve ever […]

SUP Foil: a Beginner’s Story by Eric Terrien

13 Oct 2016

SUP Foil: a Beginner’s Story by Eric Terrien

By Eric Terrien, BIC SUP — I have been asked a lot of questions since I have started playing with SUP Foil. Here is a summary of my experience so far. This is, of course, a beginner’s point of view, since I have done at this stage only 15 SUP foil sessions. My choice of SUP foil board […]

Interview : Raphaël Filippi nous parle de son expérience en SUP Foil

9 Aug 2016

Interview : Raphaël Filippi nous parle de son expérience en SUP Foil

  Cette semaine, nous avons eu la chance de pouvoir échanger avec Raphaël Filippi, star international de Windsurf mais qui pratique de nombreux autres sports de glisse, à propos de sa toute récente vidéo où l’on a pu le voir essayer le SUP Foil. Nous tenons tout d’abord à le remercier pour sa disponibilité et […]

Raphaël Filippi try SUP Foil in Hossegor, France

5 Aug 2016

Raphaël Filippi try SUP Foil in Hossegor, France

Raphaël Filippi, the french windsurf and paddle Fanatic member try windsurf in Foil in this video. It takes place in the waves of Hossegor, West coast of France. If you want to know more about Raphaël Filippi, go to check his website :   If you liked this video you’ll probably enjoy the following videos : […]

Hydrofoil SUP – Kai Lenny’s Board Explained

4 May 2016

Hydrofoil SUP – Kai Lenny’s Board Explained

A couple of days ago, Kay Lenny released a video of himself riding a 12’6 Naish Malolo SUP Race board cut in half and mounted with a hydrofoil which led to a lot of people wondering how a foil works. We asked Cyril Garbous, owner of the FreeRide Attitude shop in the south of France and […]

EXPLICATION : L’Hydrofoil de Kai Lenny

2 May 2016

EXPLICATION : L’Hydrofoil de Kai Lenny

Suite à la vidéo de Kai Lenny qui a déjà fait le tour de la planète en moins de 48 heures et dans laquelle il met à l’épreuve une board agrémenté d’un foil, nous avons décidé d’en savoir plus sur ce principe. Cyril Garbous, patron du shop FreeRide Attitude et l’un des pionniers du foil en France a accepté […]