
Stand-Up Transatlantic Crossing: Board Shipped to Cape Verde, Launch in April!

After months of preparation, the countdown to the start of an immense exploit attempt is now launched. At the beginning of April, Nicolas Jarossay will embark on his specifically designed paddleboard in Cape Verde to rally Martinique over the Atlantic ocean.

Last week Nicolas spent 6 days in the Vendée region, where his shaper has had the task to work on the final board meant to carry Nicolas all across the Atlantic ocean, following his feedback from a first prototype which has been used and tested by the adventurer for the past 6 month. Both men worked pretty much day and night to finish the work board. Nicolas didn’t have more than 15 hours of sleep over 6 days.

On Monday 22, the board and all the equipment were transported and boarded on a container in Marseille and left to Cape Verde, the starting point of Nicolas’s long journey across the Atlantic.

In addition to the material, Nicolas added stocks of school supplies aimed at being distributed to local schools in Cape Verde.

On March 20, Nicolas Jarossay will fly to Praia and is hoping to recover his equipment around March 28-29. This could take longer depending on local customs.

Once received, 5 to 6 days of work on the board will still be needed for the great SUP Atlantic Crossing adventure to finally begin!

In recent days, the French press has published various articles and TV stories about Nicolas’s adventure.

Here is one from French channel France 3

Nicolas will hold a press conference the week before my departure in his hometown Martigues at the Town Hall (Tuesday 15 to Thursday 17) a few days before his take off.

As an active ambassador of the French charity “Rêves” (in English: “Dreams”) Nicolas has already collected € 6,000 for seriously ill children and is hoping to raise even more money before his return.

In order to follow and support Nicolas Jarossay, visit his website: and facebook page:

About the Author

Mathieu Astier

Mathieu is the hyper-active founder of TotalSUP and a multilingual online marketing veteran with more than 20 years of experience working for top international internet companies. His love-at-first-sight for Stand Up Paddling in 2013 led him to build one of the leading online media dedicated to SUP in English and French and to turn his family lifestyle towards the ocean.

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